Monday, August 31, 2009

18 month update

Julia and Jocelyn had their 18 month appointment today and they are doing great.

Here are the stats: Height: Julia 33 3/4 in. (after three very uncooperative measurements; still unsure of the accuracy). Jocelyn 33 in. (not very cooperative either). Weight: Julia: 26 lbs 5.5 oz. Jocelyn 24 lbs 6.5 oz. Yes, a 2 lb gap...I believe it's the largest difference to date.

Our A/C went out yesterday and we were SO THANKFUL to get it fixed this afternoon. We got out the sleeping bags, the flashlights, and ate a lot of popsicles...another memorable moment. :)

The girls start preschool/daycare tomorrow and I go back to work. It's a big day for all of us. I'll be sure to post the full report, however I have no doubt the girls will shine.
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Friday, August 28, 2009

painted piggies



First time painting their little piggies. They loved it. They acted like it tickled...trying to move their feet, but trying really hard not to. I had to laugh when I noticed how dirty Julia's toenails were...such little toddlers.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

first ice cream cones

I have had overwhelming feelings lately that our girls are growing up rather quickly. 18 months...really? Starting "school"...really? So, it was fun to have a "first" last night and reassuring to remember that there are still so many "firsts" to come. We decided to go to Dairy Queen for dessert. Being an alumni Queen myself, it just seemed appropriate. At the last minute we decided to buy the girls their first ice cream cones. Julia had ice cream from her nose to her chest...eating off the top and smiling in between every bite. Jocelyn went for the edge of the cone and had about a three inch hole before she 'came up for air.' Unfortunately we didn't get pictures until we got home. Yes, there was ice cream all the way down to their toes. "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!" I think that about sums it up...
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Sunday, August 23, 2009

super dad

Julia is checking Jocelyn out...

Jocelyn trying to get her pants on all by herself.

Tim and the girls had some bonding time this weekend while I had some 'girl time' in San Antonio. I had a blast enjoying the Riverwalk, shopping, and shopping. :) Good friends and good times. In the above picture I think they were conspiring while they had Dad outnumbered. They had a wonderful time together and Tim handled it all with ease. I am so lucky.
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

daddy's shirt

The girls enjoyed putting Tim's shirt on the other night. Jocelyn flapped her arms and tried to fly. Julia thought it looked better as a toga. We've been getting over our colds and trying to endure the hot weather. The girls have enjoyed going over to the neighbor's house to play the piano. We WALKED all the way around the block last night; Jocelyn even pulled the lawn mower the whole time. They ducked down to look under cars for kittens. Too cute! We went to Palm Beach last weekend and Julia insisted on wearing her sunglasses the whole time. Always drama...always fun.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

bye, bye nuks

Check. It's official.
The nuks have been gone for two weeks now; we have somehow survived the transition. The big girls are ready for day care.
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Sunday, August 9, 2009

all is right in our world again

The war has ended. Two girls = two cars.
Julia on their new Elmo ride on toy. Who doesn't love a good rummage sale?!
The girls were eager to help their dad mow the lawn. Jocelyn finally convinced Tim to trade mowers with her after a long conversation and lots of pointing.
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Monday, August 3, 2009

rock on

Tim got a wii for his birthday. The girls were interested in the guitars tonight, so he let them play with them. Rock on little ones!
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Let's just start this posting with a confession: I have an obsession with taking pictures. If these two grow up to be famous the paparazzi won't even phase them. ;)
So, the littles have started to have preferences. They know what shoes they want to wear, they pick their PJ's, and occasionally won't take their shirt off. With that said, they saw the tutu's in the closet today and just had to wear them...the knit hats followed. Julia started it...and like everything "monkey see, monkey do." I know I'm biased, but they're pretty cute.
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beep, beep

Wow, mom and dad found us a new car!

Wait a minute...there's only one...this isn't good.

Pebbles, otherwise known as Jocelyn, eventually got away. She REALLY likes cars!
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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Owen

The girls had a blast celebrating their friend Owen's 3rd Birthday at The Little Gym. They walked on the beams, ran on the mats, played with the balls and the parachute. They even sat at the "big kids table" and drank juice boxes. Our little girls are growing up...what a wonderful afternoon. The pictures were taken before the party; they were hanging out by the back door watching Belle and I couldn't resist the moment. Sorry, I wasn't able to get good pictures at the gym OR of them together!
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Saturday, August 1, 2009

fun filled day

They insisted on wearing their life jackets around the house. The padding was actually quite helpful.
Jocelyn was sitting on Julia's lap and then they hugged. I was only able to capture the "moment after" on the camera.
Just finished baths. They've started to tease each other and wrestle a little...they like to make each other giggle. (look at all those teeth!)
Bare buns and tiptoes...does it get any cuter? We voted and decided we could post this one; the girls may have some comments about this when they're teenagers. Oh well, the joys of being a parent.
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