Friday, May 28, 2010

butterflies & penguins

On Wednesday we decided to go to the Butterfly exhibit at Moody Gardens. We did get to see some beautiful butterflies, but unfortunately we got eaten by mosquitoes in the process. I asked the girls if they wanted to watch a penguin movie instead...they replied enthusiastically. The vibrating chairs made them tense, the snow made them wonder, but the water splashing in the face was enough to almost make them flee. By the end of the movie they were both on my lap. However, they left the movie proud and couldn't wait to take their picture to prove what 'big girls' they are.
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Sunday, May 23, 2010

splish splash

A warm evening...a blow up pool...and a little slide...who knew life could be this good? I just love it when life exceeds my expectations. I think the girls went down that slide fifty times. :)
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Belle hasn't been in as many pictures as she used to be...but she's still here...always by our side. (Even if she has to dig out from under the fence to get there)
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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Japanese Garden

I admit, I took a ridiculous amount of pictures today. I just can't help myself...

I cannot begin to explain how much fun these two had chasing squirrels.

I felt like I was taking "senior pictures" 16 years too early...
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the paddle boat and a train

I think this might be my favorite family picture EVER. ;)

Jocelyn wasn't sure about the life jacket and boat at first, but it took about two minutes for her to have fun.

Julia was a natural co-pilot and had fun trying to help steer. I'm not sure I ever took my hand off either of them.

We rode the train around the park. The girls kept saying choo-choo and waving at people. They were so excited the three times we stopped that we got to stay on for "more."
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Happy Mother's Day to me...

I consider myself the luckiest mother in the world.

We spent the day at Hermann was WONDERFUL!

The annual Mother's Day photo...just try not to notice that Jocelyn is trying to show you my underwear.

I'm also lucky to have him. Tim got more than a few hugs from Jocelyn today...precious.
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Friday, May 7, 2010

Bayou Wildlife Refuge

Adventure Friday was quite adventurous this week. We went to Bayou Wildlife Park in Alvin, TX. They had many exotic animals from all of the world. We rode in a "tram" (otherwise known as the back of an old pick-up) and toured the refuge. The kids could feed the "kids" I mean Anna. The Ruppster's have no interest in touching an animal, let alone feeding one. We also had a little picnic lunch and enjoyed the already hot Texas heat and humidity. Anna ended the day by taking a pony ride while we all cheered her on.
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latest sewing projects

I'm trying to teach myself to sew again. The tee pee was quite a "first" project. It's not quite done in the picture and to be honest it's a little small for two girls. But it felt like an major accomplishment. I think Tim feared the girls would be five feet tall by the time I finished.
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