Friday, September 28, 2012

swim lessons


These two really enjoy swimming. We took our first session of swim lessons in June and my cautious kids would hardly put their heads under the water. Jocelyn didn't like getting her face wet and they had no idea how to swim. We repeated the class in September and they PASSED! We are so proud of our little swimmers. They were so eager to do anything their teacher asked. They can swim 5 ft on their front and back, float, and dive for toys on the bottom of the pool. Wow, what a difference a few months make.
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tiny dancers


The girls started dance this month and they LOVE it. I was able to come in the class for some "show off" time--adorable. (too bad I only had my camera phone)
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

what a wonderful day

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I paused for several moments while trying to decide on a title. Yet, BLESSED just kept topping the list.
There is family that is blood and there is family that is chosen. Mr. Cecil is our chosen family.
He attended Grandparents Day at school last week. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more. ;)
We are so BLESSED to have him right next door.
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