Friday, December 4, 2009


The definition of perfection: the state of being without flaw or defect; the act of making something perfect.

Recently a few people have commented on my life as "perfect" which has left me to ponder. Let's recap this week's events:

-The girls took their pants AND their diapers off during nap time.
-Jocelyn ripped open and whirled around a thawed Popsicle in their room. They now have speckled pink least it coordinates.
-Julia got a cut open, swollen bottom lip.
-Jocelyn got a black eye from her sister hitting her in the face with a hair brush.
-Somehow gum, a pen, and various toys made it into the laundry. Apparently all four of us now like to stuff our pockets.
-There was a radio competition in the car. Julia says "off" and Jocelyn says "on" and dances.
-I found "spit up" in my shoe and got a bucket of water dumped on me during bath time.
-Various food and bowls made their way across the kitchen. I'm convinced Jocelyn is going to be an athlete of some sort.
-I found a milk bone for the dog that had a bite taken out of it....I don't even want to know.

Is my life perfect? No. But, it is an amazing adventure and it is so, so, so good. Just look at those smiles...I am so very blessed.
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