Tuesday, December 14, 2010

cookie monsters

I mean really, can one really decorate too many cookies?

Who me? No Mom, I didn't eat the whole bowl of frosting...really. Just look at my clean face.

This was my favorite. We REALLY like pink at our house.
We had fun carrying on tradition and making plates of goodies for all the neighbor's. The girls wanted to go to every house and Julia would say "Happy Birthday" when they answered the door.

Funny of the week: We drove through a live nativity the other night and I was explaining how we would see Baby Jesus. Julia asked if Jesus was going to bite her.
Story of the week: We took the girls to Target last weekend so they could buy each other a Christmas present. Tim took Julia to the toys and she instantly knew the baby she wanted to buy her sister. She squealed with excitement and jumped around a little. They paid and hid it in the car. Jocelyn wanted Dad to take her too. So, they went to the toy department and looked around. She played with babies, pushed the grocery cart, then finally picked a baby...but, didn't quite want to part with it. The punchline--they picked the SAME BABY. Lesson learned, but I don't think it will be too painful to part with when they open presents.
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