Saturday, August 20, 2011

poodle skirts

The girls have started their new school and already attended a Sock Hop. Clearly, poodle skirts were necessary. ;)
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Friday, August 19, 2011

Dad at work

We decided to make our "first ever" visit to Dad's office after the Sock Hop. It turned into a field trip and was a bigger success than the Sock Hop. :) Tim felt compelled to explain to all his co-workers why they were wearing poodle skirts. Funny...I thought we should just let them think we're 'old fashioned.'
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Friday, August 12, 2011

Moody Gardens

A couple of monkeys...above and below. ;)
They renovated the Rain forest and we enjoyed the butterflies, fish, birds, and monkeys. However, I think we'll return on a cooler day for the humid environment.
I was surprised when both girls said they REALLY wanted to go to the Dora 4-D movie. The chairs move, there's bubbles and snow, and then water squirts you in the face. Julia was not a fan and buried her face in my neck for majority of the 12 minute movie. Jocelyn loved it! These two always keep me guessing...

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sioux Center

We were able to spend a few days at my sister's house. We had a blast! We went to the awesome pool, Blue Bunny, parks, bike rides, fed the bunnies, played dress-up and had dance class...we enjoyed every minute of it. ;)
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Kirsten and the boys...

We met my lifelong friend Kirsten for some play time at the park. Her boys, Landon and Caleb, are wonderful. It is always great to see them!
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Camping: Take two

Our camping adventure was much calmer than two years ago and proved to be a great success. Tents, flashlights, fire, s'mores, wood forts, the beach, bikes, cream soda, sleeping's a little kids dream come true. However, Jocelyn proved once again to be a little city girl when she requested a pool over the beach because she didn't want to get her feet dirty. ;) I think we'll mark the calendar for some camping adventure again next summer.
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Radigan Reunion

We are family. The Radigan's gathered for a very overdue reunion. It's amazing to think at least half of the cousins weren't attending.
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more MN...

We were so happy to spend some time with the girls second cousins Ava and Owen. The girls were fascinated and eager to help 8 month old Owen. They held him, gave him a bottle and a pacifier, and even pushed his stroller. Perhaps the higlight of the entire trip!

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Tim was able to meet up with some classmates for a 15 year renunion.

The girls were obsessed with the Hokeness twins who just turned one. Julia didn't leave there side for 2 1/2 hours. We LOVE babies!

Tim and his siblings: Tom, Travis, Tammy and Troy. We missed you Tracy!

The girls had so much fun with Cousin Mary. She was very entertaining!
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Adrian Celebration

We enjoyed all of the Adrian Celebration festivities! There were activities in the park, bounce houses, a tractor pull and a parade. The girls had so much fun with their Minnesota cousins...even if it ended up with them getting very wet! ;)
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