Monday, July 27, 2009

17 month update

Childhood is the most beautiful of all life's season's. -Author unknown

I felt it was time for a "personality update." Since we hit the 12 month mark life has changed quite rapidly and remarkably. We no longer have two babies...we have toddlers. They grow to be more different and unique every day and they both simply amaze us.

Julia: fearless, but sensitive. quick to share with her sister. always a helper. carries as many things as she can fit in her arms. does a little short, finger wave. likes to lick 'touch and feel' books. has the cutest smile when she's guilty. loves blueberries. occasionally pulls her sister's hair.

Jocelyn: claps her hands whenever she's excited. loves light switches, door knobs, hinges. tries to figure out and examine the bicycle, lawn mower...i think she may be an engineer. waves with all her might with her entire arm. waves at people and especially animals. loves dessert. very laid back. loves to put shoes on...especially adult ones. occasionally bites her sister.

Both: LOVE to read books. will only watch Baby Einstein movies or one with real animals. give each other genuine hugs. can kind of throw and kick a ball. knows many objects. throws nuks down into their cribs when they wake up because they know it's the only place they can have it. using plates/bowls/forks/spoons. love using a straw...hardly breathes until it's gone. starting to climb on furniture. love their "foot book" where they touch every page with their feet. can now climb stairs. becoming independent at the playground...climbing up the equipment and going down the slide. love to brush their teeth. enjoy giving their dog, belle, treats. love to be outside.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ummm, do I recognize that picture frame? Caught ya!!! Cute picture!