Wednesday, August 26, 2009

first ice cream cones

I have had overwhelming feelings lately that our girls are growing up rather quickly. 18 months...really? Starting "school"...really? So, it was fun to have a "first" last night and reassuring to remember that there are still so many "firsts" to come. We decided to go to Dairy Queen for dessert. Being an alumni Queen myself, it just seemed appropriate. At the last minute we decided to buy the girls their first ice cream cones. Julia had ice cream from her nose to her chest...eating off the top and smiling in between every bite. Jocelyn went for the edge of the cone and had about a three inch hole before she 'came up for air.' Unfortunately we didn't get pictures until we got home. Yes, there was ice cream all the way down to their toes. "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!" I think that about sums it up...
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