Monday, February 1, 2010

she's growing up

We were playing in the girls room today and I took their mattresses out of their cribs to change the bedding and they were jumping around on them as usual. Tim came home and they got really fired up and jumped like crazy. Bedtime came around and they insisted we leave the mattresses on the floor. So we did, thinking it would last about a minute. We said our prayers and Jocelyn decided to go in her crib, however Julia wanted to stay on the floor like a big girl. She's been asleep for two hours and hasn't moved an inch. We're in awe.
To be continued until morning...
Julia fell off her mattress twice, then Jocelyn woke up upset around 12:30am. I then begged Julia to sleep in her crib, she easily complied. I had to work in the morning and we all needed our beauty sleep. The cribs will be around for a little need to grow up too fast. ;)
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