Friday, August 20, 2010


Wacky Wednesdays at Chic-Fil-A = good times. That is, unless the COW shows up. We hardly made it in the door before the girls start melting, crying, shrieking with terror as they see the COW inside. So, we darted to the playplace to warm up a little. Oh no, we didn't hardly play...we just look out the window for the COW. Other mother's were trying to convince them about the nice COW. Finally, the COW goes in the back, so we go to order. Are you kidding me, the COW comes walking out (like 2 feet away from us) just as they hand me the tray of food. One would think it was Freddy Krueger. The fellow customers around us looked on as the girls were once more terrified (many saying..."so cute." Really?). We get to the booth in the back of the room, facing the wall, and all the girls do is turn around at look and talk about the COW. The woman sitting beside us, who has 12 year old twins, decides it's time to tell me it will get easier. COW! COW! COW! That's all we talked about the rest of the day. Eventually, we made a mad dash to the door and escaped that ferocious COW. I'm pretty sure the girls will laugh about this someday. All I have to say is thank goodness for chocolate milk and free ice cream.
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